
I would like to hear from people about what they think happiness is...

and how they personally achieve (or attempt to achieve) it.

Love, free


Given the strained and occasionally deadly nature of the overall relationship between psychiatric survivors and law enforcement agencies, it really begs the question: should the police even become involved in situations where someone is experiencing an emotional or mental crisis?

6th grade math ruined me forever

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hello out there in icarus-world!

"stoppin' before the start", she said

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ive been rebelling against myself again. not entirely sure why i do that or really, wat im going through..

Who Gets To Decide?

One group of humans get to decide, another is supposed to just follow orders, and trust that the other group will make the right decisions. One group gets heavily funded and carried aloft on the shoulders of the Status Quo and heralded everywhere as heroes, the other gets to remain passive, waiting in silenced trust to be served. One group gets to engage in "reputable" dialogue with each other, the other group gets to  "rant" and "rave" and can only be viewed in a very narrow, paternalistic way. All of these ways have a lot of bigoted assumptions within them and end up tooling all the otherwise beautiful human beings involved. 

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