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Vets Aren't Crazy, War Is.

Feminist professor Paula Caplan on the need to not focus on therapy and drugs to help US war in Iraq vets. From Tikkun magazine. http://paulajcaplan.net/files/Vets_are_not_cr.pdf http://paulajcaplan.net/ and www.psychdiagnosis.net

Disease Mongering - Diseases as Marketing

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Special edition of the Public Libary of Science on disease promotion by Big Pharma.

Latest Mania- Selling Bipolar Disorder

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Leading UK critical psychiatrist on the soaring rates of bipolar diagnosis as a result of pharma marketing.

Judi Chamberlin on WANA and Real Alternatives

Pioneering psych survivor leader Judi Chamberlin writes about real peer-controlled alternatives to the mainstream system in this chapter from her book On Our Own, including the history of WANA -- We Are Not Alone -- and the creation of Fountain House.

Study On How "It's An Illness Like Any Other" Approach Increases Stigma and Discrimination

A definitive article from a mainstream psychiatric journal revealing research that shows promoting the 'mental illness is a disease like any other' message, popular with Big Pharma, actually increases stigma and discrimination, not reduces it.

Help Getting To Sleep - handout

A simple handout on helping people get to sleep.

First Aid for Emotional Trauma - handout

A two-page handout on what emotional trauma is and how to work to heal it, written by Will Hall and based on Peter Levine, Hakomi, Judith Herman, and Process-Oriented Psychology.


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