Accused and condemned

Could tell him off

Could talk back

But something about him

Said to me

That if I did that

He’d make things worse

And get them

To do psycho surgery.

Pills to cure racism

Xenophobia is now a diagnosable and treatable mental illness. Being is a delusion and a phobia, it also has obsessive-compulsive tendencies. It is violent and disruptive to the community. Scientists have long been working on ways to cure it. They now can.

Community riot

Put it out of your mind

Forget it.

It’s not going to change


People won’t listen

Because they think

They already know.

Their minds are made up.

They’re stiff.

Community divided

This is about a community divided

People who agree

Those who disagree

And those who are told

If they don’t agree

They will be forced to.

Blanket judgement is used

Upon signs of disorder

The community does not want a riot.

Everyone must at least

Pretend to be the same

As the symbols of health,

Wealth and stealth on our TVs.

Pharm animals


They used to be zoo animals

Now they’re pharm animals.

They have no voice

With which to speak.

They are non-sense

That can be interpreted

By the pharmers.

They used to be zoo animals

Now they’re pharm animals

Visitors aren’t allowed

To poke a stick

At them anymore.

Only the staff are allowed

To stick those

Who don’t agree

To swallow rat-shit

That’s served up regularly.

They used to be zoo animals

Now they’re pharm animals

There for testing

Products for the pharmacy.


When laws are a crime

Some laws are unfair

But the community backs them up.

For they are given fears

And the media stokes those embers up.

Think carefully about what you say

Hide away and try to avoid mentioning

Anything to do with your cause

That might give people pause

To think ill of your mentality.

Allergic reactions

Smoking causes lots of problems, but some people say it makes them feel better. There are plenty of big warnings on the packets now and people aren’t forced to breathe tobacco smoke anymore. The community has recognised that causing chemical harm to others is not okay.
I’m just wondering when the community that places psychiatric treatment orders on unwilling people will get smart. From talking to a wide range of people, I’ve found the population is totally ignorant of the effects of these drugs. Some people who take them don’t even realise that the anti-depressants are what’s causing their heart condition. They are simply prescribed another pill to take, which in turn effects the body in another way that is damaging.
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