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How To Conceive the Inner Task According to Zen -- Hubert Benoit

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Obscure but influential French psychiatrist Hubert Benoit tackles the confounding paradoxes of non-linear Zen teachings with methodical precision. This excerpt of one of his books is worth a slow and careful read.

My Semester with the Icarus Project

NYC organizer Neil Gong interned with Icarus as an NYU student and wrote this paper about Mad Pride activism.

MIND-UK Study on How People Come Off Psych Drugs

MIND, the leading mental health charity in the UK, published this detailed study on how people experience coming off psychiatric drugs. Because they learned how unhelpful doctors can be, they changed their policy and no longer recommend people try to come off drugs only with their doctor's approval.

Download the MIND Study here.


Freedom To Sit: Welcoming People With Psychiatric Disabilities At Meditation Retreats

Summer 2007 article by Will Hall in Turning Wheel: A Journal Of Socially Engaged Buddhism, published by the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. Download pdf version.

Paradoxical Theory Of Change - Gestalt

This succinct summary of the basic approach of Gestalt therapy offers an innovative approach to personal growth that resonates with Zen and spiritual practices. 

Handouts on Group Facilitation

A collection of cool teachings on group facilitation borrowed mostly from the Rockwood Institute for a Freedom Center training, downloadable as a pdf.

Crisis Plan Chapter from Wrap

Crisis plan chapter from the wellness recovery action plan, good for Mad Maps and advance directives.


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Meghan Jisho Caughey discusses her experiences with Buddhist meditation and being diagnosed with schizophrenia. 

PEN Prison Writing Award: Coming Off Paxil Essay

First Place in the PEN prison writing award went to this essay about coming off Paxil.

First Aid for Emotional Trauma - handout

A two-page handout on what emotional trauma is and how to work to heal it, written by Will Hall and based on Peter Levine, Hakomi, Judith Herman, and Process-Oriented Psychology.


Help Getting To Sleep - handout

A simple handout on helping people get to sleep.

Study On How "It's An Illness Like Any Other" Approach Increases Stigma and Discrimination

A definitive article from a mainstream psychiatric journal revealing research that shows promoting the 'mental illness is a disease like any other' message, popular with Big Pharma, actually increases stigma and discrimination, not reduces it.

Judi Chamberlin on WANA and Real Alternatives

Pioneering psych survivor leader Judi Chamberlin writes about real peer-controlled alternatives to the mainstream system in this chapter from her book On Our Own, including the history of WANA -- We Are Not Alone -- and the creation of Fountain House.

Latest Mania- Selling Bipolar Disorder

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Leading UK critical psychiatrist on the soaring rates of bipolar diagnosis as a result of pharma marketing.

Disease Mongering - Diseases as Marketing

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Special edition of the Public Libary of Science on disease promotion by Big Pharma.

Vets Aren't Crazy, War Is.

Feminist professor Paula Caplan on the need to not focus on therapy and drugs to help US war in Iraq vets. From Tikkun magazine. and

Understanding Mental Health is Difficult by Ryan

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In order to understand mental health we need a new language that speaks from the point of view of the person who wants to heal, not from the psychiatric industry, which seeks to judge and categorize people, with the intent of medicating them. These labels that have been created to describe mental illness; bipolar disorder, depression, disassociative identity disorder, etcetera. These labels were created for psychiatrists so that they could diagnosis their patients. What do they do for you and I?

Notes Summarizing Work of Carl Jung

Icarus member Steven Smiles put together these notes summarizing the work of psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Download attached file.

Activism & Depression

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I've struggled with melancholy since early youth-ranging from suicidal crisis-to blanketing sorrow-to months of numb depression. Sometimes sadness comes when I see a styrofoam cup and think about the environmental damage our society is causing; when I think about rape and war; or when I think about a friend in an abusive relationship. Sometimes I'm sad for no clear reason. Feeling sad about the world, and tending toward depression in general, has been a major motivating force for my activism, yet conversely, that same sensitivity can have a paralyzing effect which prevents me from being the non-stop activist I idealize. Learning to work with my depression, rather than against it has been necessary. I learn to try to flow with my moods, fighting the sorrow less, accepting the melancholy into my life as a teacher who keeps me in touch with the destruction of the planet.

The Other Side of Science - Steven Morgan

Steven Morgan's excellent deconstruction of the scientific myths and politics that go into mental health diagnosis and treatment, including a detailed resource section.

Shamanic Perspectives on Mental Illness

South African graduate psychology student Niyati Evers research paper on shamanism and schizophrenia, including an interview with a Botswana sangoma - spirit healer - and discussion of process-oriented psychology.

Struggle in Movement: The Icarus Project and Radical Organizing for Many Realities

Alex Samets wrote this strategy and vision essay as part of the In The Middle Of A Whirlwind journal:

TIP works to bring a discussion of mental health into community spaces and to make narratives of internal struggle part of narratives of collective struggle. As an organization, we are mindfully creating our own narratives, authoring the documents that build our histories, and crafting future realities from our desires.

Mystery Suspect in the "Obesity Epidemic"

Paula Caplan: 'If you wanted to make someone feel helpless, hopeless, even crazy, one good way to do it would be this: ...give them a pill that may calm them down or pep them up but will have a good chance of increasing their weight. This has been the fate of women in untold numbers but certainly in the millions, and women’s position in American society makes them more likely than men to feel ashamed for their part in what is being called this country’s obesity epidemic."

The Politics of Rationality: Psychiatric Survivors' Challenge to Psychiatry- Gabriella Coleman

"The Politics of Rationality: Psychiatric Survivors' Challenge to Psychiatry," Gabriella Coleman's chapter in the Tactical Biopolitics: Art, Activism, and Technoscience book, examines the history of psychiatric survivor movement to assess its radical political position in the face of changing conditions, notably the growing legitimacy of a neurochemical model of illness and a pervasive culture of seeking, prescribing, and taking drugs.

Voices of Hope and Recovery: Our Stories, Our Lives

"These stories – honest, gut-wrenching and triumphant – are told by people who, through darkness, have found wellness and healing, meaning and purpose. They teach us about finding love in a world that is often harsh and cruel. With courage and insight, they reveal how to reclaim mental health in a culture that often misunderstands the healing process. Our stories demonstrate the power of the human spirit to prevail"