Change Begins with Language

Instead of focusing on 'illness', focus on 'recovery', instead of saying 'i'm down', say 'i'm trying to be better'. Language is the key to change!

Christianity causes child abuse, child abuse causes "mental Illness"

 Ten years of hearing the Mother Goddess Hekate has lead me to understand that Judaism and Christianity are the primary cause of child abuse in western society

Crooked Beauty Film w/ Icarus Co-Founder Ashley McNamara Premieres!

Crooked Beauty is a documentary film on the experiences of Icarus co-founder Ashley McNamara set to powerful visual images. The documentary is premiering at San Francisco's Cinematheque on April 17, at 9pm! For more info, and to see the trailer online, go to Facebook event page:

Mad Love in San Francisco on Valentine's Day!!

Bay Area Icarus was revived last summer, and we are officially full of surging, irreverent life.   We held our first event on Valentine's Day--Mad Love.  We had an open mic, a skilled MC, a cabaret of musicians and poets, and the evening skyrocketed to a close with the Brass Liberation Orchestra.

If you were there, you know.  If not, read on!  Almost as good. :)

Into the Woods: How Mushrooms Told Me To Ditch The Meds

I shared this story at an Icarus meeting in Olympia attended by Will Hall. Will encouraged me to write it down and share it with the Icarus community at large - here it is!

Kirk told me that he, Ben and Ben's brother Nick were going to drink mushroom tea and go for a walk in the woods, and that I was welcome to join if I was so inclined.

An Experience With My Mother

 My spinal column came roaring out of me today, like a brass coated wallaby. I didn't know I was at the breaking point until it came, after my mother had hurled criticism veiled in a thin love disguise at my forehead; in between spiny insults, profanity and turning her back on me, I opened my mouth and out she came like a thundercloud. 



I should not, though sometimes I do and then it gets me in trouble. I should not wrap my mind around such fantasies. I should not believe in them. They are not real.

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