heart breaking

So, since I last wrote therapy has stabalized a bit. I no longer feel absolutely terrified to go in anymore and she has backed off considerably from pressuring me into anything.

good times

Things are going well. Sometimes I almost forget to write about the good things and only include the bad stuff.

working it all out

Ok so after some email conversations back and forth stuff has been cleared up a bit more.....I swear I am the ONLY person who does BETTER with less body language cues!

wishful thinking

I am taking time away from therapy right now.


Well it's 4 am and I am up. I have been working insane hours so my body is just super out of whack now! I haven't been feeling so well these last couple of days.

Not who I thought I was

Things have been kinda insane lately where I am with all the snow. I was stranded at work for 48 hrs!!

The people variation of Nut Clusters

So since I last wrote some interesting things have transpired. I have set very clear no contact boundaries with my family and other friends that were negative for me. It has been sheer hell.

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