
I'm hanging in there barely right now. I want to bail on therapy again.

therapeutic vouyerism

So, things are going alright I guess. I don't have many complaints except for therapy. Our relationship feels creepy to me. Vouyeristic creepy. Anyone who knows me knows I can talk about myself.

On friendship

The depression is lifting a bit, and just in time to save me from complete insanity!

car wrecks

My sister was in a bad car accident. My mother was driving and my grandfather was also in the car. Apparently, my grandfather is in intensive care now. My sister called me crying.

Halloween plans

I'm going with my roommates to this concert. We are going to be post apocalyptic angry Iranian zombies! LOL I am happy to be going with them.

unmistakably depressed

Well it is definitely come to that point of meds or no meds. I have had the most horric luck with meds, but I am unmistakably depressed, beyond thepoint of return, I think. Without a little help.

molested on the bus

I was touched on the bus today. This stranger came and sat next to me singing to me it creeped me out but I thought he was a harmless drunk. If I ignored him he would go away.

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